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Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!!!

I can't believe it is already Spring! It has been forever since I have posted a blog but I guess that's what happens when you get way to busy for your own good!

 Definitely one of my favorites!

 I know it's not a perfect picture but every time I look at it I can just feel the sunshine!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kirsten's Senior Pictures! Pt. 2

Here are some from the second shoot we did!

Here is her new car!!!! I told her we had to do some with her in it since a girl never forgets her first car!

What an amazing smile!!! She is absolutely beautiful!

A true country girl at heart! Her dad's boots were the perfect touch.

Both of her brothers took a black and white picture inside the house so we kept tradition alive and I had her pick her favorite room in the house! Obviously you can tell she is part Italian... she picked the kitchen!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kirsten's Senior Pictures! More to come ;)

Kirsten is one of the most amazing seniors I have had the privilege to not only meet but work with! She is in the process of applying to colleges (cough *Elon* cough haha).... Kirsten brought her adorable boyfriend to help as well as take some pics.  They are by far the cutest and most mature 17/18 year olds and I can't wait to see all the success that will come to them!